
Right of Withdrawal

The consumer has the right to withdraw from any distance contract, without penalty and without specifying the reason, within 10 working days from the day of delivery to the consumer. The right of withdrawal must be exercised by the Customer, under penalty of forfeiture, by sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to Mida Arredamenti s.r.l. – S.S. 115 c.da Roccazzelle – 93012 Gela (CL), after written request via email to:

The consumer cannot exercise the right of withdrawal for contracts for the supply of non-prefabricated goods produced based on an individual choice of the consumer or clearly personalized. The vast majority of products in our catalog fall into this category; for more information, contact Customer Service.

How to make a return

All returns (which must be perfectly intact and accompanied by the original packaging) must be authorized by Customer Service. The product must be returned in its original packaging, must not have been used, nor have suffered even minor damage, and must be in perfect cleanliness. Once the return has been authorized, the Customer may return the Product to the following address: Mida Arredamenti s.r.l. – S.S. 115 c.da Roccazzelle – 93012 Gela (CL) Italy within 10 days from the date of authorization for the return. COD parcels will not be accepted. Once the Products have been received (and their integrity verified), Mida Arredamenti s.r.l. will proceed, as soon as possible, within a maximum of 30 days, to refund the amounts paid by the Customer. The Customer must communicate via email to their bank details.

The returned item must be resold. Note well, in the case of non-resale, the amount equivalent to the decrease in value can always be retained.

Return costs are borne by the customer. Upon receipt, Mida Arredamenti will examine the goods to verify the existence of any damage or tampering (substantial integrity is an essential condition for the exercise of the right of withdrawal). In the event of damage to the goods during transport, Mida Arredamenti s.r.l. will notify the Customer of the incident (within 5 working days from receipt of the goods in its warehouses), to allow him to promptly report it to the courier and obtain a refund for the value of the goods (if insured); in this case, the Product will be made available to the Customer for its return, simultaneously canceling the request for withdrawal. Mida Arredamenti s.r.l. is not responsible in any way for damage or theft/loss of goods returned with uninsured shipments.

During the withdrawal period, the Customer is responsible for the object as a custodian. In the event of damage or destruction of the Product during the Customer's custody, the right of withdrawal will lapse. N.B. All shipping and packaging costs for returning the goods are borne by the Customer (as required by art. 67 paragraph 3 of Legislative Decree no. 206 of 06/09/05).


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